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Jet Li stars in this comic spectacle as a Chinese “Robin Hood” who stumbles upon a kidnapping scheme after unwittingly opening a martial arts school next to a brothel!
My introduction to kung fu movies was Jet Li’s “Fong Sai Yuk”, which blew me away, and I’m happy to say that “The Last Hero In China” is every bit as great as the former. Lots of good jokes (incl. bad guys with infectious fits of hysterical laughter), lots of impressive fighting - even if it’s wire-aided -, lots of enjoyable acting, and an uproarious climactic fight scene at the end; rooster vs. centipede!
The story, starring the legendary kung fu doctor, Wong Fei-Hung, is an old-fashioned romp which is perfectly suited to Jet Li’s acting talent and charisma. The rooster costume he dons at the end, and the fighting style he invents, are hilariously entertaining, and he pulls it off with flying colors. This is the sort of thing Jet Li does best.
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